
GF Glass Factory GmbH

Im Gewerbegebiet 5a
26842 Ostrhauderfehn

Phone: +49 (0) 170 45 90 300
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief executive officer (CEO): Thomas Lammers

Registered in the commercial register of the District Court Aurich: HRB 201 287
Tax-ID according to § 27 a VAT-Tax-Act: DE 296 749 299

Responsible according to TMG: Thomas Lammers
(contactable via the above contact details)





Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for the content of their sites.

All names, words, symbols, and graphics may be trademarks or registered trademarks owned by their legal owners. The rights of all mentioned and used brand names and trademarks belong to their owners.



Concept, design, programming and technical assistance

Graute EDV-Systemlösungen
2.Südwieke 196
26817 Rhauderfehn, Germany

Phone:   +49 (0) 4952 / 92 10 39
Fax:       +49 (0) 4952 / 92 10 49



Image rights

The rights of all images used on this website are, unless otherwise stated, hold by GF Glass Factory GmbH.

Any use without prior consultation of the GF Glass Factory GmbH is prohibited.

Certain images of the site are from other sources. These images are labeled accordingly. Please contact the owner of the image rights for the purpose of re-use these images. The sources for additional images are shown below:



GF Glass Factory GmbH

Im Gewerbegebiet 5a
26842 Ostrhauderfehn, Germany


Phone:  +49 (0) 170 45 90 300